im looking for immigration records for one of my relatives. Iver Frank Olson was born June 1850 in Norway and emigrated to Chicago Illinois in 1872. i would like to find these records as it may say his 3 siblings on there. i think he came across alone as his dad died in 1854 and his mom in 1871. any help would be greatly appreciated!Hi Brett - The fastest easiest way for you to find Iver is to search the complete ships passenger lists on
There are other free sites where you can have a hunt for a passenger, but no one has the complete passenger lists except
Be creative in your search and use the wildcard feature to search for names such as ive* ols*n, iv*r *ls*n and so on. That will pick up mis-spellings and variations in the name
Here are some free websites you might want to start with:
Olive Tree Genealogy Ships Passenger Lists
The Ships List
Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild
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