My father spent 7 years in the merchant navy on this ship "Alstron(m)" during 1920 to 1930.I have some data on a "Alstron" furnished by Llyods of course, and even crew lists for the even years, yet he William (Bill) Elliott, was not listed.I have not been privy to the data on the odd years, because it is housed in the Archives in England, maybe you can help. I have a picture (postcard), depicting the crew of the "Alstron" which shows four men in a group shot in the deck of said ship. Question is was there a ship " Alstrom" as well as a "Alston".Am I looking at the wrong Manifests.
Olive Tree Answer:
Dear Angus, If you are asking about merchant ships, I suggest you go look at
If you want information from the National Archives, go back to their website and check again: they add more and more data online every year.
There is a research guide available: Merchant Seamen: Log Books, Agreements and Crew Lists after 1861 - Domestic Records Information 91
You will need to hire a local researcher to look through these records for you.
If you wanted to find William Elliot on a passenger list, you needed to supply some information about William: what country was he from and when was he born.
There are passenger lists available for inward to England, and outward from England; when merchant ships also carried passengers, crews were listed. Inbound lists are online at
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